(All the new food from Carrefour)
After paying for all my items, of which I had a crap-load, we attempted to get a taxi…. Not the easiest thing in the world. All of the ones that went by were already occupied. Plus, we were competing against well seasoned and very experienced Chinese taxi goers. But, eventually Daniel got it done by sneaking in front of a Chinese lady and flagging down a rare empty taxi. That is how the game is played in China!!! We rock! Anyway, we all piled in and I tried not to poke anyone with my new mop or shower rod. ^_^
After dropping all my new goodies off at my apartment I went to the foreign student’s class building to pick up my bike. Then I plunked around on the computes at Robert’s r for a little bit. Since I don’t have internet yet in my new apartment it was a rare chance. I watched two episodes of Terminator and then sped off into the night!!! No just kidding, at around 7:30 I stopped by at the little store near my apartment and got mayo, oyster sauce, jam, and cornstarch plus a bag of Lays. Nice combination, right??? Then, I had to rush over to West Gate to meet the girls for “Girl’s Night” at the Bookworm.
The Bookworm is an expat oriented café/library. They have AMAZING CHEESECAKE and, for a fee, you can check out books from their English language library!!! I had not yet eaten dinner so I ordered a ham and cheese sandwich ,which came with a salad, and I also got a slice of cheesecake. It was a little expensive (by my Chinese dinner standards) but fun. It was actually the first salad I’ve had since coming to China! Later, I rode my bike home, put all the things I bought at Carrefour away in their temporary homes. Then, I went to Bed!!!