
一 二 三 四 五 - Numbers & time in Chinese...

So, I know that many of you cannot read the date or time on my blog. That’s fine because it is only there to look cool. In order to assist you all, I’ve provided this handy chart:

These are the numbers 1-10:
1 ______
2 ______ èr
3___ ___ sān
4___ ___
5 ___ ___wǔ
6 ___ ___liù
7 ______
8 ___ ___
9 ___ ___jiǔ
10 __ ___shí

These are the days of the week:
Sunday____星期 日
Monday ___星期 一
Tuesday___星期 二
Wednesday_星期 三
Thursday __星期 四
Friday____ 星期 五
Saturday __星期 六

The character for month is this: 月.
When this character has a number in front of it (i.e. 三月) this shows the number of the month. So, the month 三月 is March. (November and December are written as 十一月, and 十二月 respectively).

For the time of day:
下午 is pm.
上午 is am.

1 条评论:

Unknown 说...

Just an add on:
for the character 月, it is also means moon. Like the month also originated from moonth, where the ancient ones record days by observing the period of moon.

Hence both moon and month will have just one chinese character 月corresponse to.
In retrospect,I felt that chinese have less words than its english counterpart, like 晚,initial used as evening or night, and then extend to convey the meaning of lateness.

however in anyway it is an intricate language. I picked up as a mother tongue ,so it is ok. I am interesting in how you learnt it. Do you learn it just by memory?

Chinese is a rather logical language,the logic behind the pattern is very obvious like 下午,上午, literally means below-noon, and above-noon.